Michelle Haley
Fine Art & Design
Dynamic Unity is the name I have given to my lifelong, ever evolving & accumulating body of work. This term also refers to the philosophy and process of how the work is produced & reflected upon. It is a visual metaphor for my perception of life & the human experience; Dynamic, symbolizes that life is ever changing; we perceive based on our own experiences, our responses & associations to our reality change, depending on new information we learn about the world or ourselves. The fluid line work appears to be constantly changing, depending on the viewer & context, people witness a myriad of things within each piece. Unity refers to the balanced nature of the pieces, all the lines flow into each other & they can be presented in any orientation. Intuition, conversation, response & play are some of the fundamental concepts I reflect upon while creating. My work is nothing without the conversation and interaction from the viewer, at its heart Dynamic Unity’s intention is to bring people together by calling out our differences in perception and life experience. Giving people a common ground to discuss their reality & bridge the cognitive dissonance that can come from trying to understand one another.
"Spinning Gold." | Dynamic Unity | 2022